We are specialists in the field of debt recovery. Systems and procedures are in place which have consistently out-performed the average recovery rate  of most in the industry. Collection services are quoted on a case by case basis with a 15% fee on collected amounts generally applying.

Where stronger actions are required, we have trained staff and procedures in place to handle most situations. From written letters, telephone demands to personal visits and Court action.

Debt Collection Costs:
1. A Stamps & Disbursement Charge is levied on all Debts handed in for Collection.
2. All fees are on a commission basis (no collection, no fee).
3. No prepayment of fees required.
In  order  to  determine the collectability of your case, we need the following information to assess the merits of your case for a collection (i.e., no up-front fee charged to you).
* Creditor ( You or Your Company )
* Contact Person
* E-Mail Address
* Complete Postal Address
* Country
* Postal Code
* Phone Numbers
* Fax Numbers

* Debtor's Name
* Contact Person
* Complete Postal Address (If unknown, then last known address or  any other associated addresses)
* Country
* Postal Code
* Phone numbers
* Fax Numbers
* Amount of Debt
* Age of Debt

* a Contract ?
* a Personal Guarantee ?
* a Signed Document ?
* a Judgment ? (and when granted)
* a Check or Account Number ?
* Other: (specify: invoices, etc.?)
* Do  you know of any other location or country where  the  debtor  may live, work, do             business, or have assets ?
* Has this case been handled by a lawyer ?
* Has this case been handled by a collection agency ?
* Please provide brief details about this case

[©2005-2021 Pankaj Saraf, Kolkata, India.]